Saturday, November 1, 2014

Undercover colors: A Breakthrough in Preventing Rape and Sexual Assaults

by Alvarado, Yan Alvarado, Nina Nagal, Darianne Talento

Cases of rape and other sexual assaults are becoming more and more prevalent in our society. Having this, four university students from North Carolina State University, US have invented a product that may help women in preventing such sexual assaults from happening. The product they’ve created is the Undercover Nail polish.

The Undercover Nail polish helps to determine if a drink contains drugs or not. It simply changes its color upon the contact of a substance that contains date rape drugs such as rohypnol, xanax and GHB.

Simply dipping your finger to the drink will immediately determine if a drink contains drugs or not.

The inventors are still working to make this product available in the market.


This nail polish helps prevent sexual assault through changing its color. Rape cases usually happen during a date, that's why little science exists for its detection.

A much deeper purpose of inventing this nail polish is to empower women. This is to "... protect themselves (women) from this heinous and quietly pervasive crime." There is no place where we can call a "safe zone" or "comfort zone", even our homes are not safe as we expect them to be. Burglary and homicide are some of the famous crimes that happens at a number of homes. Need I say more when we're on the streets in our cars or at a restaurant. It is very dangerous, especially for women, to be out by themselves. This is where the nail polish comes in. Wearing this nail polish will not only keep you fashionable, but also will keep you safe from bad souls.


Rape is one of the most sensitive topic nowadays, specifically on how to prevent it from happening. Although the most common advice that we could give to women is to be careful and to be more attentive with her surroundings; however, there are still the possibilities of people trying to trick them by using date rape drugs. As a group, we think that the undercover nail polish could be an effective tool to stop or prevent rape cases caused by drugs mixed in drinks.



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