Saturday, October 5, 2013

Breakthrough Application for Easier and Faster Creative Process

By S.Baria, L. Basillio, M.Goseco, S.Pua

         Are you an online SME (Small-Medium Enterprise) entrepreneur who wants to take your e-tailing more accessible, anytime and anywhere? Or, are you a professional individual who wants to take your business for a techie upgrade? If you are, certainly your answer would be a resounding ‘Yes!’ but with a throbbing heart beneath your chest. The thoughts of expenses threaten your hope for a more developed business.

Day after day, technology is becoming the blood vessel of the business world. That is why the importance for every enterprise to be knowledgeable and equipped with the latest tech trends can’t be more emphasized. However, to invest in the modern blood business circulation would cost significant money. Consequently, the Canadian design studio Transmitter created a breakthrough application which would speed up creative process, affordable for everyone and beneficial with respect to their own purposes of use. Due to be available for the public on the 9th of October 2013, AppSeed is being eagerly waited for in the world of commerce, especially by the SME sector.

It is a very user-friendly application. “AppSeed exists to speed up how you create, test and share your ideas”, said by the AppSeed Team on last September of 2013. Its DNA is founded on an open source computer vision (CV) code library, called OpenCV.  “This enables you take your sketches and make them into functioning prototypes, bridging the gap between pen/paper and digital”, as the team described it in their Kickstarter’s account.  In the process of interface editing, Adobe Photoshop is used through the PS Connection. After the creation, it can be converted into HTML5 file for web availability.

As of today, AppSeed has a demo version compatible only for iOS. But the developers are currently on their way of collecting sufficient funds for public launching of the first complete version (also android-compatible) amounting to $30,000ca for the last 2 days. Pledge amount has a minimum of only a Canadian dollar! Don’t just wait, pledge on it now and get it for free!

Learn more about it!
Visit the AppSeed page on:


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