Thursday, October 31, 2013

Not your ordinary use of paper: Energy Source from Touching, Rubbing and Sliding

By Justine Ching, Paolo Razon, Ana Margaret Te, Beatrice Teodoro

Generators of the future 

DISNEY Research, along with proponents of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University, just recently developed a new energy harvesting technology by rubbing or tapping paper-like materials called PAPER GENERATORS! These energy harvesters are thin, flexible, light and inexpensive that can be built into paper items such as books.  

To use paper generators, the user must tap, touch rub or slide to generate energy. The energy, in turn, is used to illuminate LEDs, e-paper displays, prompt applications on linked computers, activate e-ink displays and other devices to create interactive applications for books and other printed media.

No batteries or outlets are needed for the paper generator.

How it works

The generator is a thin sheet of polytetrafluoroethylene (or PTFE, better-known as Teflon) that is sandwiched between two sheets of conductive material such as silver-coated polyester. These act as electrodes, when PTFE sheet are rubbed against a conductive material it produces a negative charge and the latter produce a positive charge. Beneath these layers are conductive adhesives and wires which allows electricity to travel through and carry the electricity to power LEDS, e-ink displays, a tiny motor, buzzer or anything that can be built in the page. The energy generated from friction can be stored in a capacitor to power devices that has higher voltages such as wireless devices. 

This technology uses the same technology that we have been experimenting with since we were in high school, rubbing two objects creates heat and static electricity. This can be useful in places that are off the grid; through simple kinetic energy we can power devices that can bring joy to other children and to light their world.


    We, nowadays, tend to be easily distracted or easily bored by the simple things we see around us. Through this paper generator, it can make posters, books and other printed media to be interactive. Even though technology make things digital, it is quite expensive. If business owners or literary authors are not well off, they can make use of this discovery of Disney Research Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University.     
If this discovery would be widely used, advertisers can use this so that people would explore what their ad means through tapping or rubbing. It can create an atmosphere of mystery. A sign that will say “don’t tap here” would tempt people to do so, e.g. “Don’t touch wet paint” -- then we touch it to see if it’s really wet. By simply tapping or rubbing, it can create something “magical.”

On the side of literary authors, this is a breakthrough to help children learn to interact and be amazed at the same time. This can be incorporated in books so that the pictures would move or there will be lights. This would make books cost efficient for the customers since there is no battery needed. 

What this means for E-Commerce and Business 

If developed appropriately and in a way that it is made readily available to average people and businesses, then e-Commerce will once again evolve, as it does on an almost daily basis. Given that it can store unused energy from the friction in order to power electronic devices such as cellphones, the paper generator has a potential to further the advantage of mobile usage versus PC, which was an e-commerce trend of 2012. Again, depending on how it is developed, the generator has powerful prospects to revolutionize customer experience and demands.

Deriving energy from such a low-cost, no-emission power source to fill up mobile devices or get e-ink and LED platforms working is definitely a feat in the business arena. The generator may be used as a component for certain devices for people other than literary authors and kids. Its low cost will be beneficial for end users, and at the same time, it is an environmentally sustainable measure for businesses to take once they incorporate it into their operations or their product lines.

The product is still bound for further development. Hopefully, Disney Research refines the generator for general use the way Disney did with cartoons for children and adults alike.

More about the Technology here:


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