Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Quixter’s Pay-by-Palm Technology: A Glimpse Into the Future

By Paolo Enrico Flores, Marla Ongtao, Joshua See

Based on the idea from Fredrick Leifhand, an engineering student from Lund University in Sweden comes a new kind of technology that could be the future in terms of payment technology. Leifhand built a palm scanner that recognizes the veins inside the palm and has linked it into a payment system. Users sign up to have their vein recognized and it acts like a bank account, only it isn’t a card you use to pay but your palm. The process will only take 5 seconds and is a more convenient way to pay.



Fredrik Leifhand thought of the idea when he was in a supermarket and he observed that everyone was going through their wallets to pay for their groceries, causing a delay in the payment process and also causing long lines. This prompted him to develop the technology and it is a simple and faster way of paying. There will be no need to look for credit cards or money, because everything is in the palm of your hand.

Vein Recognition Software

Leifhand explains that vein recognition is better than using fingerprints because fingerprints leave a mark and it can be used by others, which can increase the chances of stealing. On the other hand, veins are unique in every individual and they do not leave marks.

Fraud Resistant

As stated above, veins are unique in every individual so one cannot access the account of another. Also, the technology will not work if someone cuts off another person’s hand and uses it on the technology because it will not recognize veins without blood running through the veins.


This technology is not only groundbreaking, but it is also just the start for inventors looking for alternative ways to pay. The payment system makes it more convenient for users while also making sure it is safe. This kind of technology will give inspiration to other inventors who are also venturing into the biometrics side of payment processes. For now, this is very innovative and hopefully it improves leaps and bounds in the future. 


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