Wednesday, January 22, 2014

One Internet Day: 10th Anniversary Celebration of Ms. Janette Toral celebrated its 10th anniversary last December. As their way of thanking the community and supporters, they have conducted a repeat of the whole day webinar called One Internet Day. The event aimed to pool pledges from the participants to help the Yolanda afflicted areas. New set of experts and practitioners shared passionately their knowledge and expertise regarding the Internet, Mobile and E-Commerce.   

As for me, it was again a time well spent, learning while moving. Yes, I am on the move again as with the previous One Internet Day last November.  On my way to St. Michael Church inside the Malacanang compound coming from Taguig, I tuned it and participated in the discussions.

The first topic I was able to listen to was about Internet Marketing during Christmas (which I believe would also be applicable to other holidays) by Lace Llanera of

Following are my notes and comments:

- Consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on social media referrals - Referrals especially from a trusted friend or relative is the most powerful way of convincing your customers to say yes to your offering.

- Consumers rely on social networks to guide purchase decisions - Consumers are looking for information such as testimonials, reviews, complaints etc before they buy.

- Holiday-ify your Timeline cover and About page - Create a theme based on the holiday

- Use Christmas themed images (but do not forget to follow the correct size of your images: 402x402)

- Use online editing apps to create your images: Canva,

- Create your Christmas Avatar

- Christmas 911 – Provide solutions for those cramming/last minute shoppers

- Christmas Facebook rewards - Rewards increase customer attraction.

- Feature User Generated Content (UGC) - Aside from it helps you create content for your site, personalize content helps you establish more credibility as it came straight from the people you are catering to.

- Let your community know when you’re off the hook – not online – This will give your customers the correct expectation that you will be unable to respond during the holidays.

The next talk I listened to was about Digital Marketing Tactics for Professionals by Ben Francia of

Here are my notes and comments:

- Be found, be heard, be hired - You have to be searchable in the Internet. Or else nobody would know who you are and what you are offering.

- Register your personal domain name - e.g. and .net and etc.. Registering more than one domain helps increase your visibility as you become more search engine friendly.

- Use videos and upload in Youtube - Youtube is the 2nd biggest search engine so you have to be present in this website as well.

- Participate in live and online events - This increases your positioning as an experts thus pulling up your credibility and authority. Show people where you are passionate about and they'll have that personal connection with you. And you'll be the first name to come in mind when they need anything.

- Level Up - Do not be complacent. Always aim in becoming better in your craft.

- Establish presence: Put up your website, be present in social media, share remarkable content, start blogging

- Be generous in sharing your talent - This will help you establish trust thus more leads.

- "With great generosity comes great opportunity" - just Wow!

A lot more from the other speakers in this link:

Thanks a lot to and to Ms. Janette Toral, congratulations and many more years!

Sidenote: I used an old ZTE Netphone (which I found lying around the house), when I joined the webinar. Thankfully, it worked and the Smart 3G was stable! :) 


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