Monday, January 13, 2014

Learning and Helping at One Internet Day

One Internet Day by

Last November 22 was the very first time I have ever listened to a webinar using a mobile device. I was on the move that day and on my way to have my medical checkup. While driving (oopsss.. it’s okay.. not really moving because of terrible traffic) I opened my gotomeeting app, opened the link sent by the organizer and tuned in to the webinar. I missed the earlier talks but was just in time for the next topic about Social Media Trends in China by Michael Michelini. 

I’m already used to listening to recorded talks (downloaded as mp3) when I’m driving but not this one, a live online seminar.

When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor was not yet around so I continued listening until the end of the talk.

Here are the highlights of what I learned from the webinar (while being stuck in traffic and while waiting for my doctor, awesome right?!): 

- Facebook and Twitter are banned in China because they are not hosted in China (in a server in China). The Chinese government wants to have control over all the Chinese websites and those coming in to their country. To maintain this ability, they only allow websites that are hosted in Chinese servers so they can shut your website down if you have violated any of their web filtering policies. But.. a significant number of Chinese people still have accounts in these social networking sites.

- Social networks in China: Sina Weibo (translation: wei=micro, bo=blog), Renren, Tencent, Douban, WeChat

- The chat app industry is getting bigger and bigger: WeChat is leading in China and they are expanding to Asian countries really fast.

- WeChat also has a web version!

- You can represent yourself in three ways in social media - for marketing purposes, create buzz, adds credibility, create user base: Company Spokesperson, or Company handle, Workers or team members (i.e. paypal_jean)

- Advantages of having Social Media presence:  
1) very effective and helpful in E-Commerce 
2) supports SEO

- - E-Commerce giant in China

- WeChat = "Weixin" --> is growing as the biggest a social media platform in China

- QQ instant messenger, Qzone also getting bigger in China

- QR codes are very useful in marketing

- If you spread rumors and it gets viral, (i.e. fake news) the government can arrest you.

- Create groups and sponsor events to widen your network

Another thing remarkable that day was that the 3G connection surprisingly did not fail (one of those very few times). Had it not been for the stable 3G, I will not be able to take part on the webinar. 

One Internet Day is a whole day webinar event covering different topics regarding Internet trends. With speakers and participants from different parts of the world, they united to help the victims of typhoon Yolanda through sharing their knowledge and expertise.

Thank you to for giving the participants the chance to learn and become channels of blessings at the same time.

More about the talks here:


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