Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cab problems? Solved with MiCab

By Kenneth Salgado, Patricia Hernandez, Pauline Lucero, Justine Tamayo

    In our fast paced-society, people always need to get from one point to another in no time, especially in urban areas where everyone is busy and time is of the essence. With this, many platforms of public transportation are available for the entire community to use and the government has ongoing projects to ensure that there is a continuous flow of vehicles in our roads. Some people opt to take the trains and ride jeepneys as their means or transportation. As for others, they like to ride taxis or cabs. With the fast increase in demand for cabs because of the convenience it offers commuters, it is getting more difficult to find one that is available to ride in. People have to look for cabs, but what cabs looked for you instead?

     MiCab is a mobile application that brings the cab to your doorstep, or where you are for that matter. It was founded by three Filipinos: Keith Levi Lumanog, Kenneth Baylosis and Eddie Ybañez. With this app, not only will it solve the problem of having difficulty finding a cab, but creates a stress-free vibe; ensuring people that they already have a means to get to where they need to be without having to worry about other factors such as competition with others, having to walk to the main roads, and the likes. Taxi drivers are given smart phones where they will receive a pick-up request. They are only charged P30 a day for the use of the phone and its data credits (load) while passengers are charged an additional P5 to their fare.

How It Works

    For this to be able to work, passengers need to download the application on their phones. Here, they will tap a “pick-up” button and their phone will automatically send a signal to all taxi drivers within a two-km range from where the passenger is. The application will then choose which specific taxi will pick up the passenger and he is responsible to send a confirmation message to the passenger along with information, driver’s name and plate number, about the taxi that will pick him/her up.


     It is one thing to ride a cab but it is another when you are trying to get one. With MiCab, finding taxi that will bring you to where you need to be has never been easier, stress-free and hassle free. The application has a user friendly interface that is easy to use, especially for those who are not tech junkies. Also, in just a click of a button and an additional P5 to your fare, passengers will be able to get a cab without having to worry about walking far and having their clothes wrinkled and sweaty (imagine how convenient that is if you were to go to a job interview!). Also, it provides safety for the passengers and drivers as well. In the taxi business’ perspective, this entails less costs for there will be less aimless driving for taxi drivers because they already have a specific passenger to go to, which means they will have less gas expenses.

Know more about the app here:


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