Sunday, October 14, 2012

What is a website? What is it for? How is it relevant for a business?

Websites are pages in the internet that contains information about any entity. It is perhaps one of the cheapest forms of marketing that an individual or a small business can ever have. Websites help businesses establish their online presence while considering highly their budget. Nowadays, small and medium businesses are realizing the advantages of having an online presence as it is now becoming the most popular tool of advertising for them.

Yes, everyone now needs a website: every enterprising individual, every business and every establishment needs a website. 

But having an online presence does not necessarily mean that every business transaction will be done online. It mainly means being accessible where the customers of the new generation expect to find you - in the internet.

When properly constructed, a website allows businesses to give out as much information for their prospects and customers. It gives them the chance to introduce their products and services to anyone in the internet 24/7. 

Websites serve also as a relationship builder. The more relevant and more valuable information businesses share in their website, the more credibility and trusts it builds with its customers. Thus, making a sale would not be as hard. 

If you're thinking that you might not be able to afford putting up a website, think again. It actually levels the marketing playing field for businesses. There are a lot of free website development applications available in the internet. With just a few clicks, a business can already have a website of their own. Plus there are also a lot of online classified ads that offer free postings of your own ads (will be discussed more in the succeeding articles).

To make you more excited, here are some statistics about the potential online market - the internet users

- 29,700,000 Filipino Internet users as of June 2010, 19.7% of population, per Nielsen

- 29,852,680 Filipino Facebook users, per (

So, do you want your reach to be boundless and increase your market share? Establish an online presence now!


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