Saturday, November 1, 2014

Undercover colors: A Breakthrough in Preventing Rape and Sexual Assaults

by Alvarado, Yan Alvarado, Nina Nagal, Darianne Talento

Cases of rape and other sexual assaults are becoming more and more prevalent in our society. Having this, four university students from North Carolina State University, US have invented a product that may help women in preventing such sexual assaults from happening. The product they’ve created is the Undercover Nail polish.

The Undercover Nail polish helps to determine if a drink contains drugs or not. It simply changes its color upon the contact of a substance that contains date rape drugs such as rohypnol, xanax and GHB.

Simply dipping your finger to the drink will immediately determine if a drink contains drugs or not.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Gigs 2 Go: Sharing is Caring

By Sungwon Hong, Leonard Limkaichong, Emmanuel Pangan

USB flash drives are often perceived as always having that plastic and high tech look attached to it. But did you ever imagine yourself owning a flash drives that is made simply made from recycled paper and is biodegradable, specifically molded paper pulp? thats almost the same material that cardboard boxes are made of! It is 100% environment friendly and to add to that it is waterproof.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Quixter’s Pay-by-Palm Technology: A Glimpse Into the Future

By Paolo Enrico Flores, Marla Ongtao, Joshua See

Based on the idea from Fredrick Leifhand, an engineering student from Lund University in Sweden comes a new kind of technology that could be the future in terms of payment technology. Leifhand built a palm scanner that recognizes the veins inside the palm and has linked it into a payment system. Users sign up to have their vein recognized and it acts like a bank account, only it isn’t a card you use to pay but your palm. The process will only take 5 seconds and is a more convenient way to pay.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

LG Home Chat: Why will you ever Chat with your Appliances?!

By Raymond Garcia, Kristine Go, David Pe, Keanu Yu

One of the leading brands of smart appliances and technological advances is LG Electronics. The company designs products that are intuitive, responsive, and energy efficient to be more productive and to create a better world ─ from TVs and innovative appliances to  mobile phones and computer accessories. This year they introduced LG HomeChat, a modern and exciting way to communicate and monitor appliances smoothly. 


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